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“平学(63):精读博士论文《模糊多目标决策理论、方法及其应用研究 》1.3 模糊数综述”
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"Pingxue(63):Intensive reading of the doctoral dissertation ‘Research on fuzzy multi-objective decision-making theory, method and its application’ 1.3 An overview of fuzzy numbers"
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一、内容摘要(Summary of content)
今天小编将从思维导图、精读内容、知识补充三个板块为大家带来博士论文《模糊多目标决策理论、方法及其应用研究》中的1.3 模糊数综述。
Today, I will bring you the 1.3 An overview of fuzzy numbers of ‘Research on fuzzy multi-objective decision-making theory, method and its application’ from the three sections of Thinking Maps, Intensive Reading Content, and Knowledge Supplement.
二、思维导图(Mind mapping)
三、精读内容(Intensive reading content)
1. 隶属函数的基本概念(Basic Concepts of Affiliation Functions)
An affiliation function is a mathematical tool used to characterize a fuzzy set. It describes the “true degree” to which an element belongs to a fuzzy set by taking values in an interval. The closer the value of the affiliation function is to 1, the higher the degree to which the element belongs to the fuzzy set. The closer the value is to 0, the lower the degree to which the element belongs to the set. This is shown in the following figure:
2. 特殊模糊数的代数运算规则(Algebraic rules for special fuzzy numbers)
This article gives some arithmetic rules for fuzzy numbers and summarizes them in a table as shown below:
?3. 模糊距离(Blurring distance)
To measure the difference between two fuzzy numbers, the concept of distance in generalized function analysis can be extended to the concept of distance between fuzzy numbers on a fuzzy set. Distances can be calculated using the Hamming distance, Euclidean distance, Chebyshev distance and Minkowski distance formulas. The formulas and use of these distances are shown below:
4. 决策问题中应用模糊数的意义(The significance of applying fuzzy numbers in decision making problems)
Ambiguity is prevalent, especially in the description of qualitative goals. Fuzzy numbers, as a fuzzy subset on the domain of real numbers, can effectively describe this ambiguity. The operation of fuzzy numbers has its own characteristics and relies on specific fuzzy operators that reflect the decision maker's preferences and risk awareness. Defuzzification of fuzzy numbers, while simplifying the decision-making process, may ignore the ambiguity of the decision. Comparison and distance measures of fuzzy numbers are very different from exact numbers, and need to choose the appropriate method according to the actual situation. A reasonable method is to analyze specific problems and avoid forcing fuzzy decisions in non-fuzzy situations.
四、知识补充(Knowledge supplementation)
We've heard of the Euclidean distance and the Chebyshev distance before, so what is the Hamming distance?
Hamming distance is a metric that measures the difference between two equal length strings. It represents the number of different characters in the same position of two strings of the same length. Specifically, the Hamming distance is calculated by taking two strings and counting the number of times the result is 1. This number is the Hamming distance.
That's all for today's sharing.
If you have a unique idea about the article
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I wish you a happy day today!
参考文献:黄宪成. 模糊多目标决策理论、方法及其应用研究 [D]. 大连:大连理工大学, 2003.
文字 | Ping
排版 | Ping
审核 | yyz
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