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每日新闻播报(February 17)

btikc 2025-02-15 14:39:25 技术文章 15 ℃ 0 评论


>Sky-high mascot fees


Some English football clubs are charging as much as £700 for children to enjoy the experiencing of being a mascot for games, according to an investigative report on the Daily Telegraph.《每日电讯报》的一项调查性报道显示,英国一些足球俱乐部向入场球童收取最高每人700英镑(约合人民币6322元)的费用。

West Ham, Nottingham Forest, Norwich and Aston Villa all advertise rates up to £500 and beyond for their biggest matches despite complaints from supporters. 西汉姆联、诺丁汉森林、诺维奇城和阿斯顿维拉等球队一直不顾球迷的反对,向每名球童收取每场高达500英镑(约合人民币4516元)的费用,重要比赛场次的收费更高。

Julian Knight, the new chairman of parliament's powerful Digital, Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee, is now pressuring elite clubs to slash charges to help deprived families. 英国议会文化、媒体和体育委员会新任主席朱利安·奈特正给精英俱乐部施压,令其削减收费以帮助贫困家庭。

Being a mascot, he said, is becoming "the preserve of the well off, completely against the working class roots of the game".奈特表示,成为入场式球童正在变成富裕家庭的一项特权,这完全与足球运动的大众根基背道而驰。

Photo by Karol D from Pexels

>Honk more, wait more


There is a truth universally acknowledged by drivers in India: Honk your horn loud enough and the traffic lights will surely change to green. 在印度,司机们普遍认为:只要你喇叭按得足够响,交通灯就一定会变成绿灯。

But, fed up of impatient drivers inflicting a deafening roar every time they are forced to stop, police in Mumbai have come up with a new system to punish those who cannot wait at traffic lights in silence. 但是,孟买警方受够了不耐烦的司机每次被迫停车时制造的震耳欲聋的喇叭声,因而打造了一个新系统来惩罚那些不能在红绿灯前安静等待的人。

Known as "the punishing signal", Mumbai police installed a rigged traffic light system to tackle the problem of "reckless honkers", which resets the red traffic signal every time the sound of car horns goes above 85 decibels. 孟买警方安装的这个新系统被称为"惩罚式信号灯",用以解决"不耐烦的鸣笛者"的问题。在新的信号灯系统下,每当汽车喇叭声超过85分贝时,红色交通信号灯就会被重置。

For particularly honk-happy drivers, it could mean a very long wait at the lights. 对于特别喜欢按喇叭的司机来说,这可能意味着在红绿灯前要等很长时间。

The idea, which was trialed in November and December, has already gained momentum and there is talk of rolling it out in other cities in India.这个新系统在去年11月和12月进行了试行,收效良好,有传言称将在印度其他城市推广。

Photo by Mimi Thian on Unsplash

>Embracing authenticity at work


A new study finds keeping one's behavior at the office authentic will result in greater productivity and a better relationship with co-workers. 一项新研究发现,在办公室里表里如一能提高工作效率,还能改善和同事之间的关系。

In other words, act how you feel, and don't fake it. 换言之,表露出内心感受,不要强装笑脸。

Over 2,500 working adults, from a variety of industries such as finance or engineering, took part in this research via surveys. 这项研究招募了2500多名在职员工参与调查,他们来自金融、工程等多个行业。

It's extremely common for the average workspace to preach an attitude of unrelenting positivity. 如今,大多数公司都宣扬一种没有人情味的积极的工作态度。

While this may be beneficial from the CEO's perspective, it just isn't realistic when applied to real people with real problems and daily tribulations.也许从首席执行官的角度来看,这种积极性是有益的,但对于每天被现实问题和烦心事困扰的个人来说,这种要求太不现实了。

That's why, the research team have concluded, employees will actually feel better, work harder, and connect more with their peers if they don't hide their feelings with a fake smile.因此,研究团队得出结论说,如果员工无需隐藏情绪和强装笑脸,他们的感觉会更好、工作会更努力,和同事的关系也会更紧密。


>Push for online recruitment


The Ministry of Education will promote online employment services and suspend campus job fairs for college graduates to avoid large gatherings of people during the ongoing novel coronavirus epidemic, a ministry official said on Wednesday. 教育部高校学生司司长王辉12日表示,为避免新冠肺炎疫情防控期间出现大规模人员聚集,教育部将推进网上就业服务,暂停举办高校毕业生招聘活动。

The ministry's employment platforms will share job information with those of provinces, universities and recruitment services and jointly offer online employment services, said Wang Hui, director of the ministry's Department of College Students Affairs. 教育部招聘平台将与省级就业平台、高校就业网和社会招聘网站共享岗位信息,共同提供网上就业服务。

About 8.74 million college students will graduate from ordinary colleges and universities around China this year, 400,000 more than last year.2020年全国普通高校毕业生约874万,同比增加40万人。

Springtime recruitment is one of the most important opportunities for graduates seeking jobs. 春季招聘是毕业生应聘最重要的时机之一。

The ministry will strictly review employer and recruitment information posted online to ensure it is true, and promote online interviews, signing of contracts and employment procedures at universities across the country, Wang said.王辉表示,教育部将对网上的用人单位和招聘信息进行严格审核,确保其真实有效;推动各地各高校开展网上面试、网上签约以及网上办理就业手续。

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