>Authorities take aim at pengci
Three top judicial organs issued a guideline on Wednesday to clarify the application of the law in extortion cases involving deliberately fabricated accidents or similar scenarios. The guideline was issued by the Ministry of Public Security, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate. 最高人民法院、最高人民检察院、公安部10月14日联合发布指导意见,明确了故意制造事故或类似情形的敲诈勒索案件的法律适用。
For the first time, authorities have defined the pengci scam, in which people pretend they have been harmed by another party and then ask that party for money or property as compensation. 这是有关部门首次对"碰瓷"行为作出准确界定。"碰瓷"是指行为人假装被另一方所害,向其索赔财物的行为。
The guideline stipulates punishment for the two main types of pengci - fraud and extortion. 指导意见明确了对碰瓷的主要两种类型——诈骗和敲诈勒索的处罚。
Perpetrators who intentionally or negligently cause harm to others while carrying out pengci scams may be charged with the crimes of intentional homicide, intentional injury, negligently causing death and negligently causing serious injury to others, the guideline said. 指导意见明确,犯罪分子在实施"碰瓷"中,故意或过失对他人造成伤害的,可以故意杀人罪、故意伤害罪、过失致人死亡罪和过失致人重伤罪论处。
It also stipulates that whoever deliberately causes a traffic accident and blackmails the victim utilizing the victim's violation of provisions on road passage, which meets the related provisions of the Criminal Law, will be punished under the crime of extortion by blackmail."碰瓷"团伙若故意制造交通事故进而利用被害人违反道路通行规定等相要挟的,符合刑法有关规定的,以敲诈勒索罪定罪处罚。
Candidates wait outside the exam hall in Nanjing Forestry University, Jiangsu province, Nov 29, 2016. [Photo/IC]
>Civil service's annual intake
China plans to recruit 25,700 civil servants to work for 79 central government agencies and 23 institutions directly under them in the 2021 civil servant intake, the State Administration of Civil Service said Wednesday. 国家公务员局10月14日发布2021年度公务员招考职位信息,共有79个部门、23个直属机构参加,计划招录2.57万人。
Applications will be accepted from Oct 15 to 24, with positions to be posted on authorized websites, the administration said. 报名时间为10月15日至24日,可在在官方授权网站上查看职位信息。
Candidates will need to take a national written exam, which is scheduled to be held on Nov 29 across the country, while those applying for certain positions will need to take additional professional skills tests. 报考者需参加定于11月29日举办的全国笔试,报考某些特殊职位的考生还需要参加专业技能考试。
Apple CEO Tim Cook poses with the all-new iPhone 12 Pro at Apple Park in Cupertino, California, on Tuesday. [Photo/Agencies]
>Apple introduces iPhone with 5G
Competition in China's high-end smartphone market is set to intensify with the arrival of the 5G-enabled iPhone 12 from Apple Inc, as domestic companies may unveil more feature-packed models to attract consumers, experts said. 专家称,随着美国科技巨头苹果公司发布5G手机iPhone 12,我国高端智能手机市场的竞争预计将白热化,国内厂家可能推出更多多功能机型来吸引消费者。
Though the US tech giant has been a relatively late entrant in the 5G-enabled phone market, some tech-savvy Chinese consumers may upgrade to the new iPhones, which enable data flow at faster speeds and offer smoother experiences for gaming enthusiasts and those watching streaming videos, they said. 专家称,虽然苹果在5G手机市场有点姗姗来迟,但一些科技控的中国消费者可能会升级到最新iPhone,毕竟这款手机数据传输速度更快,能为游戏爱好者和观看直播视频的人提供更流畅的体验。
"The new iPhones will increase the share of high-end phones in the overall smartphone market," said Wang Xi, research manager at global market consultancy IDC. 全球市场咨询机构IDC研究经理王曦表示,新iPhone将增加高端机在整体智能手机市场中的份额。
IDC estimates that about 240 million 5G-enabled smartphones would be shipped this year, with the Chinese market alone accounting for more than 160 million units, or 67.7% of the total.IDC预计,2020年全球5G手机出货量约2.4亿台,中国市场将贡献超过1.6亿台,占比约67.7%。
Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, World Health Organization's director-general. [Photo/Agencies]
>Herd immunity 'unethical'
Using the principle of so-called herd immunity to stem the COVID-19 pandemic is "unethical" and "not an option" countries should pursue to defeat the virus, said Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, director-general of the World Health Organization, on Monday. 世界卫生组织总干事谭德塞10月12日称,用所谓的"群体免疫"原则来阻止新冠肺炎疫情是"不道德的",不应该成为各国抗击病毒的"一个选项"。
"Never in the history of public health has herd immunity been used as a strategy for responding to an outbreak," the WHO chief said, calling it "scientifically and ethically problematic". 谭德塞称:"公共卫生史上从未用群体免疫作为一种策略来应对疫情暴发。" 他表示这种做法"在科学上和道德上都是有问题的"。
According to WHO estimates, less than 10% of the global population has any immunity to the coronavirus, leaving the "vast majority" of the world susceptible. 据世界卫生组织估计,目前全球不到10%的人口对新冠病毒有免疫力,这意味着世界上"绝大多数人"都是易感人群。
"Letting the virus circulate unchecked, therefore, means allowing unnecessary infections, suffering and death,” Tedros said.谭德塞称:"因此,让病毒不受限制地传播,意味着不必要的感染、痛苦和死亡。"
"We understand the frustration that many people, communities and governments are feeling as the pandemic drags on, and as cases rise again.” 谭德塞说:"随着病例数量再次增多,疫情看不到尽头,我们非常理解许多人、社区和政府感受到的绝望情绪。"
However, there are "no shortcuts, and no silver bullets," he added.他补充道,但是抗击疫情没有"捷径和绝招"。
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