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btikc 2024-10-17 08:42:51 技术文章 23 ℃ 0 评论








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Today, the editor brings you the article

“Yue Lan (50)——Matlab introductory

learning (5): Vector operation”

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一、内容摘要(Summary of Content)


This tweet will introduce the vector operation of Matlab introductory learning (5) from content summary, mind map, and introductory learning.

二、思维导图(Mind Maping)

三、入门学习(introductory learning)

(一)基本概念(Basic concept)


In MATLAB, a vector is a one-dimensional array used to store a series of numerical values or data elements. Vectors can be represented as either row vectors or column vectors, where row vectors are data elements arranged in a row and column vectors are data elements arranged in a column.

向量在MATLAB中通过方括号 [ ] 创建,并用逗号 , 或分号 ;分隔元素来区分行和列。向量支持各种运算,包括加法、减法、标量乘法、点积等,这些运算在MATLAB中可以通过标准的数学运算符简便地执行。向量是MATLAB中处理线性代数、数据分析和算法实现等任务的基础工具之一。

Vectors are created in MATLAB by square brackets [] and separated by commas, or semicolons; elements to distinguish rows and columns. Vectors support a variety of operations, including addition, subtraction, scalar multiplication, dot products, etc. These operations can be easily performed in MATLAB through standard mathematical operators. Vectors are one of the foundational tools in MATLAB for handling tasks such as linear algebra, data analytics, and algorithm implementation.

(二)向量的创建(Vector creation)


In Matlab, there are three methods for creating vectors: direct input method, colon method and function creation.

1. 直接输入法(Direct input method)


The direct input method is to enter vectors directly in the command window. The elements of the vector should be enclosed by "[]", and the elements can be separated by spaces, commas or semicolons. The row vector is generated by separating spaces and commas, and the column vector is formed by separating semicolons. The example code is as follows:


The running result is as follows:

2. 冒号法(Colon method)

使用冒号法创建向量,基本格式是“x=first: increment: last”,表示创建一个从first开始,到last结束,每次数据元素增量为increment的向量。若增量为1,创建向量的方式可以简写成“x=first: last”。示例代码如下:

Use the colon method to create a vector. The basic format is "x = first: increment: last", which means to create a vector that starts from first and ends at last, and increments the data elements to increment each time. If the increment is 1, the way to create the vector can be abbreviated as "x = first: last". The example code is as follows:


The running result is shown as follows:

3. 利用函数创建向量(Create vectors with functions)

(1)利用函数linspace创建向量(Using function linspace to create vectors)


A linspace creates a vector by directly defining data elements, rather than direct increments of data elements. y = linspace (x1, x2) means creating a row vector y of 100 equally spaced points starting at x1 and ending at x2. y = linspace (x1, x2, n) means creating a row vector y of n equally spaced elements starting at x1 and ending at x2. The example code is as follows:


The running result is as follows:

(2)利用函数logspace创建向量(Create vectors with function logspace)


Like linspaces, logspaces create arrays by directly defining the number of vector elements, rather than increments between data elements.

y=logspace(a,b)表示创建一个从10的a此方开始,到10的b此方结束的50个对数间距点组成的行向量y。y=logspace(a,b,n) 表示创建一个从10的a此方开始,到10的b此方结束的n个对数间距点组成的行向量y。

Y = logspace (a, b) means to create a row vector y of 50 logarithmically spaced points starting at a of 10 and ending at b of 10. y = logspace (a, b, n) means to create a row vector y of n logarithmically spaced points starting at a of 10 and ending at b of 10.

y=logspace(a,pi) 表示创建一个从10的a此方开始,到pi结束的50个对数间距点组成的行向量y。y=logspace(a,pi,n)表示创建一个从10的a此方开始,到pi结束的n个对数间距点组成的行向量y。

Y = logspace (a, pi) means to create a row vector y of 50 logarithmically spaced points starting at a of 10 and ending at pi. Y = logspace (a, pi, n) means to create a row vector y of n logarithmically spaced points starting at a of 10 and ending at pi.


The example code is as follows:


The running result is shown as follows:

(三)向量运算(Vector operation)

1. 向量的点积运算(Dot Product Operation of Vectors)


In MATLAB, the dot product of a vector is also known as the inner product or scalar product, and it is an important linear algebra concept. The result of the dot product is a scalar value, which is calculated by multiplying and summing the elements corresponding to two vectors. For vectors a and b, the dot product can be obtained by a '* b, or by using the command dot. The example code is as follows:


The running result is as follows:

2.向量的叉积运算(Vector cross product operation)


The cross product of a vector is a special vector operation that applies only to two vectors in three-dimensional space. The result of the cross product is a new vector that is perpendicular to the original two vectors and whose length represents the area of the parallelogram formed between the original two vectors.


The cross product operation of a vector can be implemented with the function cross. Cross (a, b) represents the cross product that returns vectors a and b, but a and b must be three-dimensional vectors. Cross (a, b, dim) represents the cross product of vectors a and b in the dim dimension, where a and b must have the same number of digits. The example code is as follows:


The running result is shown as follows:





That's all for today's sharing.

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I wish you a nice day!





参考资料:Chat GPT、哔哩哔哩




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